Let's be SOCIAL

She's on the charts

We are in the process of making big decisions...

Tuesday night I prayed for God to show me his goodness on Wednesday. And He did. BIG time! Not only did I get the news I was specifically praying for, He also gave me this:

Dr. Jantz: "Come take a look at Gracelyn's growth chart."
I walk to the computer.
Dr Jantz: "Gracelyn is back on the charts."

Gracelyn is BACK ON THE CHARTS for both height and weight!

Now, to put this into perspective for those of you who might not know, Gracelyn hasn't been on the growth chart for both height and weight since she was about 6 months old, thanks to her hereditary spherocytosis!

We've battled a long road with her health. But since her surgery in 2010, she has been growing, gaining, energetic. Hallelujah!

She broke through the charts into the 2nd percentile. A huge victory.

And wonderful news. 

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! 


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