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How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God? (John 5:44)

To search for. To ask for.
To see a star and follow. To be overjoyed as you come to the house of the Lord bearing gifts for a King.
To listen to your heart that hears the Lord say, “Come and talk with me.”
And to answer, “Yes, your face I do seek.”
To seek earnestly with a thirsty soul and fainting flesh.
To seek first the kingdom of God, and to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
To seek and find with a wholly devoted heart.
To ask and receive. Seek and find. Knock and enter.
To turn from self and seek glory that comes from the only God.
To seek the Lord and his strength;
To seek his presence continually!
To rejoice and be glad in our Savior.
To say continually, “Great is the Lord!”
To enter that star-bathed house, see the child, and bow down to worship Him.

Heavenly Father, today we come, seeking the King. We bow before Jesus, the wonder of Christmas. It is our desire that we glory only in your holy name. Forgive us the times we sought to glorify ourselves. Today we choose to seek, rejoice and be glad in our Savior. May the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Amen.


I had the privilege of writing the Advent readings for my church this year. Over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas, I will post each one. I pray that they will, in some way, add to the wonder of your Christmas season.
With love,

Additional reading in the series:
Grace upon Grace
So Loved


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