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There's nothing like it

Let me tell you, there's nothing like the agony that comes from preparing and waiting for your child's upcoming surgery. We found that out nearly 2 years ago when Gracelyn underwent surgery to remove her spleen.

This morning, another little girl from our church, 6-year-old Lindsey, is having her first surgery of the summer. Yes, her FIRST surgery of the summer.

Lindsey was born with bad kidneys. And while there is still no clear-cut diagnosis for her condition, her kidneys are failing. So, she is scheduled to have a transplant over the summer. This morning is the first step toward that goal.

Please join me in praying for Lindsey, her mom Krista, dad Pete and little sis Riley. To follow little Lindsey's progress, keep an eye on http://richertscountitalljoy.wordpress.com/.


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