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Awards, what?!?

You guys! I am excited to announce that I have been nominated for two blogging awards! This was totally unexpected, and I feel unworthy, but I am glad nonetheless.

Sarah Joy at Joyful For Jesus nominated me for the Liebster Award {an award given within the blogging community, for upcoming blogs with potential with under 200 followers}. Whit Devereaux, author of  “Not By My Own” and blogger at whitdevereaux.com nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you, ladies!

There are two components of these awards...answering some questions and nominating some blogs. You will find both things in this post...so enjoy!

Why did you start blogging? (Liebster and Blogger)
My first post was March 13, 2010. We were expecting baby #2. We were in the middle of a medical journey with kiddo #1. And I started blogging that exact day, and I quote, “for no particular reason other than I (Malinda, that is) had some time to sit down and write.” HA! God has continually shaped this little space, and ideas for what this place will look like moving forward are developing. Exciting! {Follow me on Facebook to stay up-to-date!}

What is your favorite Bible verse/passage? (Liebster)
THIS QUESTION IS SO HARD! The more I study the Bible, the more it all connects into this beautiful story of redemption, so I have trouble picking anything specific! In different seasons I have had various passages speak to my heart. A turning point here, a “get back on the straight path” there, a pruning and fruit bearing over there. The WORD to me is LIFE! I guess one verse that captures these thoughts nicely is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

What do you do if you can’t think of a blog topic? (Liebster)
I don’t blog! HA! But seriously, I do much more journaling than I do blogging. My journal is where I process and where I pray. I keep my journals, and then years later, I can go back and draw from them, being reminded of the story of MY GOD and me, His servant. I am finding those old journals provide much inspiration for the book I hope to write, and also for blogging resources.

What’s your motivation to keep blogging/why do you blog? (Liebster)
I will admit, in the hierarchy of my writing, blogging doesn’t take top priority. In this way, I am old fashioned...I like printed material, and spend more time developing my newspaper column! BUT, blogging has allowed me space to process and practice, honing my craft. As an aspiring author, that piece is vital, as is developing exposure to a broader audience. (and this internet thing, folks, is very broad! 😏 )

Where do you see yourself in 1, 5, 10 years? (Liebster)
If the Lord wills it, I hope to develop a writing ministry/author books (and have them published!)

What’s one quirk about you that people don’t know?
I have a hard time turning down a challenge...like the time when a fellow track coach “suggested” that I see if I could still touch the basketball goal net. Challenge accepted. {If you’re wondering, I can still grab the net, but I can no longer touch the base of the rim. Old legs, people. Old, out of shape legs!}

What are your other hobbies? (Liebster)
Reading! I love, love, love historical fiction, but reading of any sort energizes me. I also enjoy home design and renovation...I get so much pleasure out of this kind of creativity. I can also crochet 😄

What’s your advice to new bloggers? (Liebster and Blogger)
Work with excellence. Hold on to things loosely. Cover your ministry in prayer. Study the WORD daily. Be willing to ask for help and support. You never know where the Lord will take you as a willing servant!

The nominees for Liebster:
Jenny at jennyrandle.com {the story of how we got connected and then met at She Speaks last summer still amazes me! ALSO, this girl just self-published “31 Day Create”, a great devo. Go check out her stuff!}

Kristen at Right Hand Work {Kristen was my prayer partner for She Speaks, and we have continued to keep in touch. She is a nurse by day and writes about that “right hand work”, among other amazing revelations.}

Michelle at lifebetweenoceans.blogspot.com {Michelle and I go WAY back...like to pre-school. She writes about parenting, her young family, and everything in between.}

Jill at comenear.wordpress.com {Jill and I spent several years living in the same community, and bonus, our daughters are buds. She is the author of a brand new blog (yay!), of which I am convinced will be a place for introspection and growth!}

The nominees for Blogger Recognition Award:
Heather at The Rescued Letters {Heather and I connected at She Speaks last summer, and I was immediately drawn to this lovely lady! She just self-published a Bible study called “Ready: Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown”, based on Joshua. Go on, click and learn more!}

Alice at Poema Chronicles {Alice and I “met” through a Christian blogger’s page on Facebook. I am always drawn in by her willingness to tackle HARD topics and that she grounds herself in scripture. Her depth and understanding are amazing!}

Liebster requirements for nominees:

Please answer the following 7 questions:
  • What is your favorite Bible verse/passage?
  • What do you do when you can’t think of a blog topic?
  • What’s your motivation to keep blogging/Why do you blog?
  • Where do you see yourself in 1, 5, 10 years?
  • What’s one quirk about you that most people don’t know?
  • What are your other hobbies?
  • What’s your advice for new bloggers?

Blogger Recognition Award requirements for nominees:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Share 2 pieces of advice for new bloggers.
  • Choose 15 other blogs to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them. Provide the link to the post you created.


  1. So great to read this post, Malinda! I love the verse you shared, but really all your answers. Congratulations on being the recipient of both awards! Keep up the great blogging. :)

    1. Thank you Sarah! I love that verse, too...just goes to show how powerful scripture is! Thank you for your encouragement!

  2. Yay Malinda!!! I am so glad that you were nominated because you certainly deserve to be recognized! You are such a gifted writer and I am so so glad the Lord led us together at She Speaks. Also, I am so honored that you would nominate my blog! You are so encouraging, such a beautiful sister in the Lord. Now, I will get to those questions asap! :) Hugs!

    1. I am so thankful for our partnership at She Speaks & a continued friendship! You are a joy, and I can't wait to see where God leads you in this crazy, beautiful life!

  3. You deserve it! Congratulations on winning both!

  4. AW congratulations ! It was a lovely fun read.


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